Genealogical and Translation Services

Welcome to my website!  

This website introduces you to my work.  I have been involved in the software development industry for over 30 years, and have built up expertise in software testing, globalization, accessibility, SR&ED (Canada's Scientific Research & Experimental Development tax credit), and other such R&D tax credits.

I am also involved in personal genealogical research, which has branched out into a side-career.  I have been translating Yizkor Books (memorial books of pre-war Jewish communities) from Hebrew / Yiddish into English since 1997.  I offer my services as a guest speaker, genealogical consultant and translator. 

This website also contains two e-books, and the link to one full-fledged published book.  My e-books on Haftarah Commentaries and Analysis of Piyyutim (both on Jewish religious topics) are available for anyone to read on line. My genealogical work "The Interconencted Jewish Familes of Ottawa, Canada" can be purchased through JewishGen. I have included the purchase link as well as the full introduction on this website.

