Jerrold Landau
Genealogical and Translation Services


I would be pleased to be a guest speaker at your organization or event.  I have delivered lectures at the conference of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies, the Ottawa Jewish Historical Society, the Jewish Genealogical Society of Toronto and of Hamilton, Temple Solel, Active Seniors Program at the Miles Nadal JCC, Alpha Omega Toronto, Zaglembie Society, and various private groups, societies, and social clubs.  My topics include, but are not limited to:


  • How to conduct a low-tech, low-cost family research project  (with lots of examples of my own family trees).
  • Using the internet and social networking for family research and maintaining family connections (Especially: how to 'sleuth' through the internet resources for family information).
  • How to assemble an archive of family documents (including a demonstration of my own extensive archive).
  • The techniques of running a Yizkor Book translation project (or a part-time, freelance business in general).
  • Learning about the Holocaust from Yizkor Books (includes many stories / anecdotes culled from my years of translation).  I could do an entire talk solely on stories and testimonies from these books.
  • Learning about pre-war European Jewish communities from Yizkor Books.
  • The place of the Holocaust within the structure of Jewish liturgy.
  • Sessions on the weekly Torah portion or (more especially) on the occasions and festivals within the Jewish calendar.
  • Tours of Jewish cemeteries of Toronto with a focus on graves of rabbinical leaders of previous generations, as well as the Holocaust memorials of the landsmanschaften.


Although many of these topics have a Jewish flavour to them, the general genealogical topics could be applicable to a broader audience as well.   In fact, I am interested in reaching out beyond the Jewish community, especially into the Eastern European communities who may be interested in the historical aspects of my work.

 I am an accomplished translator of Hebrew / Yiddish into English. I translate books, articles, documents, and gravestone inscriptions.  Smaller requests can be handled with a rapid turnover, whereas larger project must be factored into my ongoing translation cycle.  I have also served as a translator / consultant to various television production teams for shows that involve Jewish content.

 I offer consultation regarding starting your own genealogical research projects. In a few brief sessions I can give you the guidance, motivation and encouragement to get started. I can especially guide you, through my own examples, of how to use the resources available through the internet to find information about your own family.

 In 2009, I went a trip to Poland, where I delivered a lecture in Zgierz (a city whose 800 page Yizkor Book I had translated), and visited my grandfather's home town of Zawiercie. I visited Poland again in 2012 and 2018. I have also visited Jewish sites in Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova.  I can offer you advice and guidance in arranging for your own trip of this nature.  Furthermore, although I have never done so, I could be available to accompany individuals or a small group on such a trip as an informal guide and resource person, especially if the itinerary involves towns whose books I have translated.


For all inquiries, send an email to